ENFORCER – LOUD PARK 13. Saitama Super Arena, Tokyo
I had two bands of interest at this years Loud Park festival and the first and main one, KING DIAMOND (also the reason I was about to visit the festival this year), got cancelled:/ We were supposed to hang out a few days before Loud Park and I was already in Tokyo when I got the message from Livia. All the KD stage gear being on a boat which got stuck in some Chinese harbour due to terrible weather, and couldn´t make it in time for the festival. So the KD show got cancelled in last minute when they were supposed to leave for the airport. A couple of guys from the band/crew already left so they at least got to have some days in Tokyo.
The second band of interest, ENFORCER, were great, tho!!! Awesome performance infront of a huge cheering crowd. They also got great reviews and response after the gig. Really happy for them! Well deserved!:))
Thanks to Akira (Spiritual Beast) who again took care of my passes!
The Loud Park festival is the biggest metal happening in Japan with mostly bands which are frequenting our part of the world. I did see SLAYER and ROB ZOMBIE there a couple of years earlier, tho, but mostly it has been fun just to hang around and see how tings are done at a huge Japanese indoor festival. Extremely organized:)))
Besides the gig, there were also a nice LP afterparty at From Dusk Till Dawn bar in Kabukicho,Shinjuku. Conviniently very close to where I was staying, but it was still a bit of a struggle to find the way late at night, not totally sober:)) So many small alleys in the neighborhood.The day before we had a day out with BEHEMOTH (Nergal, Orion, Michael from Season of Mist & some of the crew. Pumpkin & Bunny ftw!!) with shopping, dinner and some beers & shots at the Train Bar in Roppongi. One of the days I also went to Yokohama to see Ryo´s (COFFINS) doom band GUEVNNA and met up with all the COFFINS guys at Tama Center in Tokyo where they played an afternoon outdoor gig. Good times:))
So quite a lot of metal stuff anyways on this trip. And I do love Japan & Tokyo, so time there is never wasted![Edit 2024: Should and will at some point make new edits of the small and shitty pictures:) Just need to take the time and find the originals]
ENFORCER – Death By Fire 2013 [The Works]
Ett av dom plattorna som jag inte har själv så snodde (dom flesta) bilderna på nätet. Bidrog med en livebild på Joseph (Toll) som togs på Muskelrock 2012. Gillar den bilden rätt mycket själv och hade flera liknande, men speciellt en av dom hade jag postat omkring rätt mycket så antar att dom ville ha nån som inte hade synts redan till överdrifter. Dom andra livebilderna är tagna av Maija Lahtinen (nuförtiden Ajomo) och Rui Soares.
ENFORCER inspelningar har jag inte lyssnat på sådär galet mycket, för håller mig rätt strikt på den extrema sidan när det kommer till hårdrock/metal, men har sett flera gigs och dom är alltid ett satbra liveband! Bra folk i bandet också så hade inga problem att medverka i detta:)
» ENFORCER @ extremmetal.se
Enforcer – Death By Fire Released Feb 1, 2013 by Nuclear Blast
A1 Bells Of Hades 0:28
A2 Death Rides This Night 3:37
A3 Run For Your Life 3:21
A4 Mesmerized By Fire 4:02
A5 Take Me Out Of This Nightmare 5:00
B1 Crystal Suite 3:56
B2 Sacrificed 5:36
B3 Silent Hour / The Conjugation 6:30
B4 Satan
Bass Guitar – Tobias Lindqvist
Drums – Jonas Wikstrand
Guitar – Joseph Tholl
Vocals, Guitar – Olof Wikstrand
Cover, Artwork – Jonathan Hultén
Layout – Ardia Bodh
Mixed By, Mastered By – Jonas Wikstrand
Photography By [Band Photo] – Gustav Öhman Spjuth
Photography By [Live Photos] – Maija Lahtinen, Rui Soares, Soile Siirtola
Recorded By [Lead Vocals] – Rikard Löfgren
Recorded By, Producer, Written-By, Arranged By, Performer, Cover [Concept] – Enforcer
ENFORCER @ Muskelrock – Tyrolen, Blädinge 2/6 2012
ENFORCER is like a bunch of explosives and really fun to watch! The crowd is always as dedicated as the guys in the band so the gig is like a big party:)) Could see them again anytime!
ENFORCER – Sweden Rock Cruise 30/3 2012
Loved the ENFORCER show!! And I´m going to see them at least once more this year at Muskelrock! Can´t wait for that one in general. Will be a great weekend with friends and lots of really cool bands!:)
Current line-up (E.M.): Olof “Enforcer” Wikstrand Guitars, Vocals. Jonas Wikstrand Drums (2006-present), Joseph Tholl Guitars, Tobias Lindqvist Bass