ENSLAVED – Slaktkyrkan Sthlm 17/11 2018
Enslaved and the end of the best weekend in ages! Sometimes I really love my life:D
Enslaved and the end of the best weekend in ages! Sometimes I really love my life:D
Grande Finale of the most excellent evening! “Havenless” as an extra treat with Grutle on iPad :D Great crowd also and very few mobile phones in sight (has that changed in general the past year or so when I´ve been out of the country?) Anyways It´s a good trend. But of course, no video clips to be found from the gigs.
Had so much fun, met so many awesome people including the ones who worked at the venue. The restaurant had an awesome vegetarian lunch buffet btw! So try it out if you ever visit Gothenburg!
A very short (but very good!!) setlist with Skuggsjá – “a musical piece written by Ivar Bjørnson (Enslaved) and Einar Selvik (Wardruna)” in a record shop in Bergen. They released the new album just the day before and the first “real” performance was at London By Norse the week after this one. By then I was on a boat up and down the Norwegian coast:)
Blekkmetal 13-15 November, 2015,- Bergen, Norway
“Welcome the early 1990s… To the beginning of the Norwegian Black Metal scene, to the grimness, the feeling, the art, the music….”
“BlekkMetal will only happen once. Never again.”http://www.blekkmetal.com/
https://www.facebook.com/BlekkMetal-443353372479615/Kinda last minute decision and totally against my financial situation, but one does not simply say no to once in a lifetime events like this!
Fantastic weekend and not that often I go to a festival with only headliner bands:) Many of them I saw live for the first time, some of them I´ve seen many times, but all of them had special setlists so there were so many awesome surprises. Lots of legends on stage those two nights. Had such a great time! Collected whatever I could find on YouTube. Hopefully there will be more! Wish I had all the setlists!
Thank you all!!!:)BANDS ON FRIDAY (Links to the galleries):
THE GALLERIES: »Enslaved / »Aeternus / »Gehenna / »Hades Almighty / »Gaahls Wyrd » / Some snapshots from the weekend
THE GALLERIES: »Enslaved / »Aeternus / »Gehenna / »Hades Almighty / »Gaahls Wyrd
Fantastic show!! Random memory: when I accompanied Marika/Demonia to buy grilled pork to Grutle. Shitloads of it:)))
With Demonia on a mission.Pork or Death!!! ⇒ MORE
>>MORE (live clips etc)
Det blev en rätt rolig tisdagkväll på Klubben. Mina Sahg bilder blev inte så himla bra men plockade ut några iaf. Enslaved dito vart kanske lite bättre. Sahg hade jag inte hört så mycket innan men det var bra!! För vissa bekanta var dom anledningen att ta sig till Klubben över huvud taget:)) För mig var det nog mest Enslaved som gällde och dom gjorde en grym spelning. Fast jag tyckte att spelningen på Debaser (när dom spelade med Thyrfing) var mera en knockout…kanske för att det var första gången jag såg dom? I vilket fall så var speciellt första låtarna hejdlöst bra och det var lite svårt att koncentrera sig på att fota. Måste få tag på senaste plattan snart…
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