Thursday, Club Distortion @ Anchor…
Anders, my former partner on extremmetal, tagged along for once:) Maybe my 8th or 9th time to see Calm live….? They have to buy me a beer at the 10th!! You hear??! Unfortunately both Anders & I are old and tired, and can..t pass our given bedtimes too often, so we only saw the beginning of the Jesaiahshow before we ran off to the nightbus.


We had fun, though. And kept on missing Sophie who was sick…again:( Will we ever see each other again??? But, as usuall, we always got Peter. (a couple of nice pics on him in extremmetal / snapshots;) And when ever Sophie is getting better, we will have a photoshoot with the whole Distortion-staff. There will be lots of nudity and various stuff from the food circle involved…;))




