[Just copying from my FB page…] The worst mobile phone snapshot to promote all this awesome, but I got the bunch delivered yesterday from the great Denny @ Darkness Shall Rise Productions. More of it a.s.a.p but you find them all (+ all info) @ this page: https://darknessshallrise.de/product-category/dsr-releases
also @ https://www.facebook.com/darknessshallriseproductions

(A lot of the photos (band & live) in the “Envoy…” booklet are mine. Some not published before)
A better, more detailed  post eventually…


AKHLYS! No support bands.

Was not so familiar with this band, so no expectations what so ever. Because of  last minute venue changes the event took place on a partyboat in town.
The organizer & the guys were somewhere in town having dinner and some beers so I went inside, but after awhile, being constantly in someones way, I chose to wait outside on the dock instead. Spent about a half an hour or so listening to the shittiest disco music ever from the party on the top deck. Enough time to get fairly brainwashed before my “saviours” arrived xD
Besides being totally decent people,  AKHLYS truly got the proper violent nightmarish feeling to this partyboat and washed my brain right back. Excellent performance!
There are some releases out there but started with the first album The Dreaming I  (because of Alexander Emt).  Found it on Bandcamp for a couple of days ago. Now I´m stuck with it and can´t move on, it´s way too good. So it´s more or less on loop right now. When I finally get through all there is with AKHLYS ( the latest “House of the Black Geminus”  was released just a month ago), I continue with  Naas Alcameth´s NIGHTBRINGER. Good times ahead.
Didn´t find any clips from Sthlm but one from Bergen a couple of days earlier.
[Live clip Bergen by damiencarter]



Notes & links:

Akhlys @ facebook

>>MORE (live clips etc)

Fick båda redan för en vecka sen men hade saker att avsluta innan jag började riva i paketen. Men nu så!

Två galet bra (och snygga!!) vinyler jag hade fått med posten. Med HELLBUTCHER hade vi en fotodag i januari när dom  även spelade in första musikvideon. Så det blev bilder för platta & promo.
MAQUAHUITL  (US) kontaktade mig vid nått tillfälle och  berättade om den kommande liveplattan. Lät som ett intressant samarbete så jag hakade på:)
Jag borde generellt bli bättre på att promota bra folk, band & labels som skickar mig saker. Framförallt dom jag samarbetat med.




“England har VENOM, Sverige har BATHORY och Japan har SABBAT.”


Skitkul att äntligen se SABBAT live när dom redan existerat i 40 år!! Och när Brooklyn inte trycker in en massa discodansare sekunden efter bandet har gått av scenen så är stället rätt najs. Jag var tvungen att dra snabbt så vet inte vad som hände sen men ingen disco på direkten iaf. Ruskigt trevlig spelning och även Martin Carlsson var närvarande iförd i nån superkultig supergammal t-shirt (som bara fanns i ett enda ex) och shorts. Rimligt val för det var slutsålt och svinvarmt i lokalen:))
Super thanx to Henry @ Electric Assault Records!!



[Live clips by Eriks klipp & Christian Svensson]





Notes & links:




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Sthlms MUTATION har inte funnits så himla länge och hade visst bara spelat live en endaste gång innan detta.
Hur bra som helst med känsla och inlevelse och ett jävla drag.
Än så länge finns det bara en 3 låtars demo på releaselistan men dom är signade på Hells Headbangers så kanske debutplatta inom snar framtid?
Innan giget sprang jag på gitarristen Kevin L. (ex-BEASTIALITY) som jag ville fota för han hade en finfin SACRIFICE tröja på sig.  Och bästa Sven (trummisen från ANTICHRIST) som jag nästan inte kände igen utan glasögonen:))  Vokalisten N.S. spelar bas i ATONEMENT och var även en vända i ETERNAL EVIL.
Det är vad jag lyckades hitta så vet inte bakgrunden på alla medlemmarna men shit the same, bra folk!
Tjockt med folk redan från början och ett jävla drag i publiken.
Henke Palm & co DJ´ade.



[Live clips by Eriks klipp & Christian Svensson]



Notes & links:



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Perfect ending for the festival!!


“One of the pioneering industrial black metal forces to emerge in the early 90’s, Mysticum brought to the world a completely unique brand of extreme & psychedelic discordant black metal with insane drum machine patterns & synths.”
– peaceville.com



[Live clips GRONNENHELL sarvi]




Notes & links:
Interview from Steelfest 2019. Rauta YouTube.

>>MORE (live clips etc)

10 years since the last (and only) BLASPHEMY gig until now.
Fukken aggressive! Loved it!:D


“Blasphemy was initially formed in 1984 by childhood friends Nocturnal Grave Desecrator and Black Winds and 3 Black Hearts of Damnation and Impurity, joined shortly after by guitarist Caller of the Storms. They went on by various names (including Antichrist and Desaster) before settling for Blasphemy in 1987. Since the early days, the band members quickly established a reputation for violence and criminal activities.”
– E. Metallum



[Live clips Tales From The Frontline GRONNENHELL Mikko Keinänen Destroyer666 Sami Elamaa]



Notes & links:

>>MORE (live clips etc)

The last of the glorious 3 nights with HORNA.
Steelfest always have something truly unique, one time only experiences. Like this HORNA 30 year anniversary celebration. 3 nights, 3 eras, 3 vocalists.
Majestic shit every night! This last one with the current frontman Spellgoth had Anne Weckström controlling the lights and magic during the set. Check out her work on her webpage and Insta (@laralighting).


“Horna Steelfest XII 16.-18.05.2024 Exclusive – celebrating 30 years of devotion, 3 eras divided into 3 nights, each with their respective vocalist”. Only at Steelfest 2024.”



[Live clips GRONNENHELL Doomed 2 travel Noncho Savov sarvi]



Notes & links:
Steelfest shop have still some HORNA 30 year anniversary t-shirts for sale!!

>>MORE (live clips etc)

Fun gig!
Vicotnik all over the place:))
“From their influential and successful beginnings as a raw and grim black metal outfit established during the ongoing swelling of the “second wave” in the early-mid 90s, Dødheimsgard has subsequently evolved into a truly eclectic behemoth with each landmark release; a band now undoubtedly adorned with the mastery of mood and texture through intricate, dark metallic wonderment and unnerving eloquence.”



[Live clips GRONNENHELL Tales From The Frontline ]



Notes & links:


Rauta interviewing Vicotnik @ Steelfest (Interview HERE)

>>MORE (live clips etc)

I really don´t always know where to place this band in my own metal sphere, but every time it has been an absolute pleasure to see them live.
They have been doing their thing  for more than 30 years now.  The last album “The Hallow Mass” is from 2019 and the 3rd full-lenght. So an album once in a decade or so:) There is of a bunch of EP´s & splits etc so it has not been that quiet in the DoG camp.
Really good gig. Difficult lights (on going theme @ the indoor stage) so really hard to get any proper shots. No excuses, just a fact.


“By now, DENIAL OF GOD should need little introduction. Since that fateful year of 1991, the brothers Azter and Ustumallagam have perfected an idiosyncratic style of black metal that’s positively drenched in the supernatural and remains firm in their conviction of more classicist-styled songwriting. In fact, “black metal” might even be a misnomer; rather, BLACK HORROR METAL would be more accurate.” – osmoseproductions.com



[Live clips The Metal Crypt GRONNENHELL Arent]




Notes & links:
Interview @ Steelfest 2022 (Rauta YouTube)

>>MORE (live clips etc)