“Raison d’être is a Swedish dark ambient project formed by Peter Andersson. The name of the band was taken from a sentence in a book by Carl Gustav Jung: “the individuation is the raison d’être of the self”. Dark ambient atmospheres, drone elements, industrial sounds, ecclesiastical hymns are all blended together to constitute the music of Raison d’être.”

Cold Meat documentary in making! [Crowdfunding!!]

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“The name is taken from a sentence in a book by Carl Gustav Jung, something like this “the individuation is the raison d’être of the self”. At the time when I started raison d’être I was reading a lot of Jung literature and his thoughts has inspired both my life and my work. Raison d’être is a very existential term and can be used in a lot of different ways. I think it is a beautiful word and everyone can find his or her own meaning of it.”
Peter Andersson in Ikonen Mag. (probably ages ago)


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