msv13Last year´s show at the Sweden Rock Festival was an over the top performance so the expectations for this time were sky high. And ofc it was pure magic! Once more one of those gigs you will NEVER forget!!   Also got lucky again and got photo access for the whole show.  After the first 3 songs the pit cleared out and there were only me and the security. So loads of pics!:D Still, for some reason I found the stage at the Sweden Rock easier to photograph at…? But I´m happy with the results.

I met King and his wife Livia (Awesome woman! Very talented and a big part of everything that is KING DIAMOND!!)  very briefly before the show when their tourmanager sorted out my access & passes, but the next morning I hanged out with the royal couple until their bus leaved Örebro. Livia makes these fabulous miniatures and she gave me a tiny piece of cake as a present:D I also became a proud owner of a K.D / Andy La Rocque guitar pick which was found on the hotel room floor and handed over to me by the King himself.  Gotta frame it or something!!;) My friends in F.K.Û gave me their new CD the night before and asked me to give it to King. So I did. And took a picture to prove it!


