crookedaff I do love undeground festivals. Lots of bands playing 2-3 days, GREAT performances,  no agelimit and it´s very cheap. Still there´s  almost nobody there. WHY is that??  Summer is generally a bad time for smaller events, I think.  There´s so many  events & festivals all over the place.
Anyway, these kind of festivals are a good way to  find new and interesting bands.
Now, this one was on a sunday, which was the third and last day of the festival. There were some more people on friday and saturday, but not so many as it should have been. The line-up was a good mix  of new and more established bands, it was cheap and the venue…well…quite suitable for this kind of events;).
One of the guys keeping it all together was the Vemoth vocalist Behemiron who also was kind enough to provide me with one of their new band t-shirts. Appreciated it a lot;).
Vemoth were also one of the bands playing earlier at the festival.

There´s a new chance for you in august when the KRIS Festival is hitting Lindesberg. Lots of qualitymetal for 50kr/day.

Some of the bands on last day of Crooked Horns:
» Monochrome Fear
» Brute
» Misericordia

