October 2014. Karlstad. Pics for promotion & album “Forensic Nightmares” 2015

Travelled to Karlstad for a shoot with CUT UP. The new band of Tobias and Erik, guys i knew from VOMITORY. A rainy october day in the Karlskogian (?) woods. But Tobias brought a huge thermos with coffee so all good. Got presents also!! CD´s and DVD´s. The pics turned out alright and overall it was a day well spent:)

The debut album will be out in the end of June 2015 (Metal Blade Records) and they are available for bookings!!!

The new band of Tobias Gustafsson and Erik Rundqvist (ex-VOMITORY).
Andreas Björnson
– guitar & vocals | Erik Rundqvist – bass & vocals | Anders Bertilsson – guitar | Tobias Gustafsson – drums

» THE WORKS [Pictures]
» The release party!
