“Conan are as heavy as interplanetary thunder amplified through the roaring black hole anus of Azathoth. Remember that sentence, for it is writ large in virgin blood on the walls of the forgotten temple of Bol-Krastor, deep in the steaming forests of forgotten Lemuria.
Conan, a monumentally brutal three piece (in the grand tradition of all the hallowed three pieces through time) hold a sinew-tight line and an iron-grip command over the uber-synchronised powerchord changes and tempo-shifts of the anti-holy trio of bass, drums and guitar.
Two weary yet defiant men have the task of vocalising wretched thoughts over the turgid weight of Conan’s metalized bombast. They bear it well, for the task is immense” – hailconan.com

Sisten ut på denna eminenta festival och dom spelade så plåten fladdrade på väggarna:D Jag NÄSTAN såg dom i Leicester nån gång för flera år sen (lång story) så var skitglad att se dom nu! Tungt som fan.
The weary yet defiant men: Jon Davis – vocals, guitar & Chris Fielding – bass The new guy on drums: Johnny King
[Liveklipp av david]

