And now to something totally different….
My friend Alexi (Pivotal Management) from Chicago asked me for awhile ago and if I could go and take some pics on the Marionette gig. He always ask me and I´m very glad he does:) Ever since I saw the band for the first time, I´ve loved them! Marionette is a GREAT liveband and I love the two albums they´ve made.
So if you are in to brutal, beautiful music with some good speed and  brilliant melodies check them out!! This time they got only about 20-25 minutes on the stage and as the first band out,  there were not so many people yet. Unfair, I think. The lights were a struggle as usual but with some help from Tintin, I could get some ok pics. And some….not so ok. But get to see all kinds as usual;))

