“Of all the Icelandic bands that work the dark arts, NYIÞ is probably the most elusive and mysterious.”stranger-aeons.com
Great night at Gaukurinn! Had the photo shoot with Mortiis Ellefsen done in rain and storm (went well I think!), now some cool live and hanging out with the Misþyrming guys. Their guitarist Thomas and his girlfriend Anna (NYIÞ) were our guides and drivers to the photo locations. We could never have managed without them:)  Also they gave me the  Algleymi CD!
So except the Troll himself, I had the chance to see some really awesome Icelandic stuff. Some atmospheric black metal w Almyrkvi and then the weird and fantastic NYIÞ which are very hard to describe but  they who try call it Ritual Dark ambient/dark folk/dark jazz. Never seen/heard anything like it. Love Iceland!

GALLERIES: Mortiis / Almyrkvi / NYIÞ
» The Troll – An Icelandic Saga
Later addition: NYIÞ @ unsafebutsound.com 2020

