Svinkul att träffa mina gamla polare i DIE HARD! Dom dök upp på postern rätt sent som en glad liten överraskning och dom har ju inte spelat live på länge. Hasse är tillbaks i bandet, Harry givetvis och Egge på trummor. Suveränt bra gig! Dom körde på som dom alltid har gjort:)
Var en vända på Bomber Bar för förhandslyssningen av HELLBUTCHER plattan, men det blev aldrig tid sen senare att gå tillbaka för Cobra Cult och IMMOLATOR gigsen. Det var full underhållning på Akademin men lite surt ändå eftersom dom nu båda spelade i krokarna. Får ta igen det vid tillfälle.


Blandade bilder. Trix & fix , backstage och korridorerna i Kulturakademin.

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1898263_721281911227130_1765077438_nEn Arena 19/9 2015 ANGREPP + DIE HARD 10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY!!
19.30 Obscyria 20.10 Vornth 21.10 In Aeternum 22.10 Die Hard 23.30 Angrepp
DJ: Myrkheimrs

DIE HARD, första av jubileumsbanden. Kaotisk skitbra spelning med en massa gäster och gamla medlemmar typ som Hasse Hansson, Perra Karlsson och Henke Skoog istället för strippan på Kafé 44 januari 2009. Henke vann! xD Flera andra var också uppe och röjde på scenen med bandet.
Och Eric bytte från trummor till gitarr ett tag. Allt gick i ett liksom:)) Giget på 44:an var första gången jag såg DIE HARD så det blev rätt från början:)) Har älskat dom sen dess. Även den gången var det arrangerat av Adde och Luciferian Society Inte en dösekund under ruljansen och Harry var extra magnifik i båtägarmustaschen!  Sådär. Det var min professionella åsikt om den spelningen. Hoppas bilderna är bättre:))
Fler kommer senare i galleriet!!

Line up: Harry – Bass/Vocals Simon – Guitar/Vocals Eric – Battery
» Mera DIE HARD på

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Friends, hunks, hooligans…gotta love them:) Good show and the first for this evening. Bad, bad drummerpics, tho;( Did some fast editing, so I maybe found at least a couple ok pics on Perra later.
DIE HARD line up after some earlier turbulence: Harry – vocals, bass, Simon (also Ondskapt, Valkyrja etc) – guitar, vocals, Perra (Nominon etc) -drums



We (I travelled with VALKYRJA/ONDSKAPT, who both played the day after) didn´t think we would make it, but we did and were at the venue in time to see most of the DIE HARD gig, thanks to our excellent driver Jocke (VALKYRJA)! No stops (hardly. one or two at the most) and no mercy! Sthlm-Fredericia in 7-8 hrs!


First time I saw the band live since the former vocalist/guitarist Hasse left the band and maybe first time also after Håkan (WATAIN) as drummer? But this trio actually worked very well together! So now the line up is as follows: Simon (VALKYRJA, ONDSKAPT) – guitars/vocals, Harry – vocals/bass & Perra (NOMINON) – drums.



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First gig since mid-december…I was invited to Kafé 44 by my friend Adrian who was in charge of the evening (he´s also the vocalist in Angrepp). Live on stage: Die Hard, Vörgus, Angrepp & Scourge.
Packed with people, Mia HellBe as DJ, cheap beer…and surprise: bad bad lights. The mainband Die Hard got ALMOST some frontlights, dim, but still. They got something else, too. A stripshow during the concert! Enjoyed the  gig with or without the extravaganza .



I love the first  “Spells”. Some of the later albums are ok but not on my best list. I think the last album I´ve heard in full  was  “Adimiron Black”.

Anyways, the gig was pretty good in which case. Maybe one or a couple of songs from “Spells” bu quite a many from the “Ww” album.  I saw GEHENNA  some years back at Blekkmetal in Bergen and they only played The early stuff. But that was the whole point  there so I never heard the newer material live. Better than expected:)


“Gehenna was formed in January 1993 as a nameless project by Sanrabb, Dolgar, and Sir Vereda. They didn’t give the band a name until they had enough material, which would represent their voice.” – The Metal Archives


“Though Gehenna’s “Murder” is in the death metal field, most of this Norwegian band’s time has been spent in the black metal camp. Debuting in 1994 with the EP First Spell, Gehenna’s relaxed, somber melodic black metal was rather unique, highlighted by some interesting eerie synth work from then-keyboardist Sarcana. Though the band has had a pretty steady recording career quality-wise, many will still point to this first effort as the band’s best.

The next two albums showed a move toward a more aggressive, but still melodic, black metal style, somewhat like Emperor at that time. With the move to a new record label (Moonfog) came the transition album Adimiron Black. Still black metal, but decidedly harsher, with keyboards far less prominent, this pointed toward a bigger change to come. And come it did, in the form of 2000’s Murder. With only scant traces of their black roots, Gehenna has really gone full-tilt toward death metal, with even the vocal style abruptly shifting from the typical black metal snarls of the early days toward a low-pitched death growl. Indeed, if Murder and First Spell were played back-to-back, one would be hard pressed to believe they both came from the same band. The group has continued to straddle the death/black in recent years, with 2005’s WW veering back toward the black territory” –


[Live clip by Tales From The Frontline & Gronn Onland]


Collected notes & links:
– Latest release: Unravel Full-length 2013
– Label: Indie Recordings

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