One of the few liveshows I´ve been to lately…
Crucified Souls, Blowsight & Decadence played at Ekens Gård, Haninge.We had a very nice time:) So good to see you all!!And Hi to Kitty´s parents=))) Really nice to meet you!
No lights on the stage, though…so PS rules!!



Rockis Bass (2005-?) See also: Paatos Stefan Kälfors Drums (2005-?) See also: ex-Omnitron, ex-The Krixhjälters Mats Ståhl Guitars (2005-?) See also: ex-Candlemass Björn Flodkvist Guitars, Vocals (backing) (2005-?) See also: ex-Candlemass Krister Linder Vocals (2005-?) See also: Krister Linder, ex-Dive, ex-Grace, ex-Solaroid, ex-Tupilaq, ex-Yeti


>>MORE (live clips etc)

They rule and never let you down!!
Great gig once again. The pics were´nt so great, though…My plan was just to leave my camera and just go over there and have some beers, see the bands and just relax. Well…I didn`t exactly follow the plan, so after the gig I went home sober and with a bunch of very bad pics. I had fun, though=))
It seems that I got to do some serious shopping soon. The only lens i own that works at all on the really small and dark stages like the one at Anchor is my 50/1.8.  I need more wideangle!! It´s just so bloody expensive=( You can sponsor me anytime when you feel like it!! Just send me an e-mail and you get my account number…

» Lackarmé THE GALLERY



Yesterday  before the Mnemic gig at Klubben  I  spent a couple of hours running around with the band shooting some badass promopics!

(edit sept -08 the pics are gone somewhere…have to find them again…)