Got some “presents” last week…
The first ones from my friend Erik who gave me the new  General Surgery cd promotion poster & some postcards. My photos, of course;) Think it looked good (in IRL)…here´s a couple of shitty photos of the stuff:


“Present” nr.2: My friends, Takashi and Miho, were here from Hiroshima, Japan last week visiting me. They had found an old issue of Young Guitar with an interview with Roger of Sonic Syndicate. And the photo of him is my work. Took it in the studio for a couple of years ago. Micke J. got also a pic in the article and he got all the photocredits. Bastard! Not his fault, of course…we´ll still be friends;)  Someone just didn´t give the info to the magazine when handing over the pics… Anyway. It looks like this:


I stopped saving all kinds of crap for a long time ago, but I always love to get magazines, posters,flyers and stuff with my photos on. So gimme!!!:)
The past week I tagged along with Kitty & Decadence two nights in a row to the deep forests where they shot their first musicvideo. I´ll give you some pics soon…and the video will be really cool!!

My Japanese friends Takashi and Miho came to Stockholm and we went to Gröna Lund to see Hardcore Superstar. Takashi saw them back in ´06 in Hiroshima and thought it would be really nice to see them again:) Funny weather, though. First it was quite ok and a bit later I was freezing my ass off. REALLY cold winds.
We met Anders and Sasha and tagged along to some pub after the show. We also met Yayoi, AKA “Shield”, from Tokyo. Still wonder how she could find me that day:) Hopefully I´ll be meeting her again when I´m going to Tokyo in october…HCSS is not a band I usually go and see, but I enjoyed the show very much. Really fun band to see live:) Pleased with some of the pics also. Never applied for a photopass, just took some shots while standing in the crowd and watching the show with my friends.


Karin (Sonic Syndicate) told me for awhile ago that she will be on the cover of the new Crafton catalog with her Ibanezbass.  Some photo I took when they played in Stockholm last time. I got the catalog in the mail the other day and found one of my livepics on Roger (guitar) also:)  All in good company of a couple of photos taken by my friends Daniel “Framed Noice” Falk and Micke J.  Quite ugly photoshopwork  with the cover, though…but who cares:)


Lite då & då försöker jag komma ikapp med sånt som inte har blivit gjort. Som tex promogallerierna… Har fixat i ordning några bilder från förra årets session med Everwhere. Vi plåtade på en del ställen på södra sidan av stan. Det var ungefär lika hett ute som det är nu så det var ingen lek. Killarna var roliga att ha o göra med och det blev en del bra bilder tycker jag:))