I´ve wanted to see COFFINS for I don´t know how long!!
I had already decided to go and see some other bands this evening but when I saw that COFFINS had a gig at the Death Fest, I changed the plans, mailed the band & organizer if I could come over and take some photos.
Everything worked out fine and later on the band asked me also to take some promo pics (which will follow shortly). Of course I agreed:)
Had a great time with the guys and the gig was SICK!!:)) Total mayhem in a really small venue (Koiwa Bush Bash). Loved it!! Real brutal underground! The line up has changed some and right now it´s a 4 piece. Bungo Uchino on guitar, Koreeda on bass, the used-to-be drummer Ryo in vocals and the new guy Satoshi on drums. Got some cd:s and a t-shirt as a present and I even bought the first album on vinyl and got it signed. The photos are…ehmm…also real underground;))


Some links:

A pic from the photo session:
