Scourge was a totally new band for me…mostly I noticed the drummer, one mean mf…Have to give them another chance someday.
Angrepp totally ruled!!! Now they really got it! Congrats, guys!!:)
Vörgus NOT in green for the first time in history!!! What´s going on???
They´ve signed on a french label and some hotshot from their recordcompany was even present at the gig. Hope he liked what he saw/heard;) The new material sounds great!





First gig since mid-december…I was invited to Kafé 44 by my friend Adrian who was in charge of the evening (he´s also the vocalist in Angrepp). Live on stage: Die Hard, Vörgus, Angrepp & Scourge.
Packed with people, Mia HellBe as DJ, cheap beer…and surprise: bad bad lights. The mainband Die Hard got ALMOST some frontlights, dim, but still. They got something else, too. A stripshow during the concert! Enjoyed the  gig with or without the extravaganza .


terroramaGot a CD from  Terrorama the other day. They used some of my livephotos I shot for about a year ago at Tantogården on the backcover.
I like their fast black/thrash kind of metal. A bit of a Nifelheimish sound I think.
So…thanks a lot, guys;)

Another thing: one of my favourite bands, Mr Death, got themselves a new website. Sorry to say, It wasn´t me who took the bandphoto but I have my own little corner on their site;) One of the bands you simply have to go & see live a.s.a.p!