THE KILIMANJARO DARKJAZZ ENSEMBLE @ DBE 4 – Alba Iulia, Transylvania, Romania 18/8 2012
“Creepy crawly darkjazz combo. Soundtracks for imaginary movies. TKDE formed in 2000 as a project to compose new music for existing silent movies.”
The most perfect way to end the most wonderful festival! Magic!! Ask Johanna;))
COULISSES/ISOBEL & NOVEMBER @ DBE 4 – Alba Iulia, Transylvania, Romania 18/8 2012
It was good to see my favourite Swedish non-extrememetal bands in Transylvania. The concert started out as Per-Erik´s own project Coulisses and later the other guys just joined him on stage and continued as Isobel & November. Great gig and nice times:)
SUNSET IN THE 12TH HOUSE @ DBE4 – Alba Iulia, Transylvania, Romania 18/8 2012
“Psychedelic Post-Rock band founded by Dordeduh masterminds Hupogrammos Disciple’s and Sol Faur Spurcatu.”
HEXVESSEL @ DBE 4 – Alba Iulia, Transylvania, Romania 18/8 2012
Wonderful, wonderful HEXVESSEL…
About: “Hexvessel is a psychedelic folk-rock band that was founded in 1983 by Englishman Mat McNerney. He moved to Finland in 2009 and was joined by a coven of musicians from Tampere that feature members of Galacticka and Dark Buddha Rising. Fusing late 1960s and early 1970s English folk and psychedelia with a love for Finnish nature, folklore and pagan mysticism, they play a witches brew of acoustic balladry and heavy tripped-out atmospherics. Interior-world-music for secret ceremonies and forest rituals.”
The very best way to enjoy HEXVESSEL is lying flat in the grass under the Transylvanian sky, with a Ciuc Radler . Johanna fell in love with that beer-related stuff and I let her illustrate the state we were in during the concert. >>
DORDEDUH @ DBE 4 – Alba Iulia, Transylvania, Romania 18/8 2012
I almost missed the whole thing when DORDEDUH (Hupogrammos & Sol Faur started this band after they left Negura Bunget) played an unannounced 2-song-set on the second day at the DBE.
Luckily I got there in time to hear at least one half of the second song and take some fast shots. The songs were from the new album, and the day after the band and Costin (Chioreanu, Twilight13 Productions) left the hotel really early in the morning to go to the mountains and shoot the video for “Dojana“. You´ll find the result at the bottom of this post. Some other great stuff also. Hope to see them soon again!