I was booked to document a video shoot with to me unknown band called LifeR. Had an awesome day with the guys and my friend Bergman (man.machine.industry) who was the director of the vid. We were hanging out in a huge old paint factory with lots of possibilities. Too bad they demolished the place some time after.



>>MORE (live clips etc)

Koncentrerat awesomeness på 44:an när videon för “Ravenous” skulle filmas. Att DEMONICAL är fantastiska vet väl alla, men om ni inte hört talas om Costin Chioreanu och Twilight13 Media, kolla upp hans portfolio. Han hade med sig fotografen Valeriu Catalineanu som assistent. Hade skittrevligt med allihopa och tog givetvis lite bilder också.


L I N K S:
DEMONICAL: www.demonical.net
Costin: twilight13media.com
Valeriu: www.ouroborusstudio.ro
DEMONICAL “Ravenous” videoshoot April 2011

>>MORE (live clips etc)

For awhile ago I tagged along with Kitty and Decadence when they were shooting the outdoor scenes for their new musicvideo. The result were finished and upped  last night on the Decadence webpage. The new album “Chargepoint” will be released in Japan today, and tomorrow Kitty and I are leaving for Tokyo!! I´m sure she will keep you posted;)
Me too,  but I´m just going for some vacation and to shoot some autumnfoliage in the mountains. Will be GREAT!! My darlingdarling friends, Takashi and Miho, from Hiroshima are also coming to Tokyo for a couple of days to hang out with us. Can´t wait to see them again!! They ordered some lingonberry jam, kexchoklad and some other stuff so today I´m doing some shopping;) Yesterday I heard that Olof (Skrikhult) is flying on the same plane with the guys from H.E.A.T, who are playing at Loud Park in the weekend. Hahha that´s cool:)

Anyway…here´s the Decadence video:

Edit much later: Added the video #Running Free”

Went out to check out man.machine.industry making their newest musicvideo (wich will be released as single nr 2 right before the release of the upcoming album). Stayed for a couple of hours and took some pics. When I left, they still got hours of work to do. But knowing Bergman, It will be great in the end!;) Can´t wait to see the final result.



Two nights in a row I went to take some pics on location when Decadence worked on a musicvideo last week.
Can´t give away any spoilers, but Kitty blogged up some photos herself, so I can show the same pics. She also wroted some more about the idea behind the musicvideo. You can read about it » here.
The ancient woodland in Tyresta was really something. Really beautiful forest and there´s lots of it (Tyresta National Park is very large). The video is filmed & directed by Helena Starenby.
