Band bio @ FB:“SCAR SYMMETRY proved to be an exceptional gathering of talents able to produce an eccentric mixture of metal that can only be described as an intoxicating, modern hybrid of melodic death metal.” Lars Palmqvist – vocals Roberth Karlsson – vocals Per Nilsson – guitar Benjamin Ellis – guitar Henrik Ohlsson – drums
First of all – great thanks to the organizers, especially Erik T. in SCARPOINT. Had a great time!
Didn´t take som many pics besides the live ones, but here´s the few I did take. Some fashion shooting with Kenneth & Jonas (SCAR SYMMETRY) along with Peter and Alexander. Ellos catalogue anno -85 revisited! The rest of the pics immortalizes some SCARPOINT & CLAWFINGER ppl, a couple of guys I don´t know at all and Jesper in a suit (!!??!!) and with a cigar (!??).
I also stalked SCAR SYMMETRY vocalists Roberth & Lars to their dressing room in hope to see some nudity, but naaahh. Roberth handed me a beer, tho. The pic I took on P.A. is totally unpublishable. Like so many other pics of him before;) And that´s was about it…except that Roberth will be back in STHLM next week with his other band FACEBREAKER!! Don´t miss it!!! THE RESISTANCE, CRUCIFYRE & MR. DEATH will be there too!
Next band on stage was SCAR SYMMETRY. Feels like I´m bumping into them all the time these days. Doesn´t matter ´cos I love the guys:) The show was great fun and I took lots of pics, so there´s a whole bunch of them in the gallery.
Fan vad jag ligger efter nu i mina uppdateringar…:) SCAR SYMMETRY var sista bandet för Paranoidkvällen och dimman låg tät på scenen. Som ofta på Debaser ju senare det blir. Fast man märker det först när man ska gå igenom bilderna,
Bra spelning och det var kul att se dom igen! Fast ALLA vet vilken är Robbans riktiga band (hint) ;)) Anyways så var det en extremt trevlig kväll!:) Tack till alla inblandade!
A good evening all together…nice to see Facebreaker-Roberth in Scar Symmetry. He and Lars (the other new vocalist) did great together. Arsis were much better I expected. Only heard a couple of MP3:s while waiting, so I didn´t really know anything about them. Good show! DevilDriver had lots of fans in the audience…who only came for them and left when they were done. Still, there were lots of crowd left for Behemoth….Devildriver also got the best lights for the evening.
While at it I thought the lights were ok (quite dark but manageable…) but still the pics weren´t as good I thought at first. Some ok and some…, as usual;)