Candlemass-Ancient-DreamsCANDLEMASS third album “Ancient Dreams” turned 25 and I went to the b-day bash at Medis. With my mom, who came to town for the holidays. She was a bit anxious before the show, but enjoyed the whole thing a lot and also bought herself some merch. She also got to meet some of my awesome friends:)

The show was great!! Their earlier plans to have the whole thing filmed, didn´t work out and some other things didn´t go as planned but shit happens and it still was awesome!! The always so impressive Jörgen Sandström (Grave,Entombed,The Project Hate,Torture Division etc. Looking stunning in his new shirt!!;)) got on stage with very short notice and also the great Pepper Potemkin ( Blackbird Burlesque Cabaret / The Catastrophe Orchestra) appeared during “Solitude” in the end of the show. Dunno about that Torsten Flink guy, tho:) Great thanks to the CANDLEMASS guys for this awesome night!

>>MORE (live clips etc)

108-1 SRM100 COVER 5MM SPINE.inddThe No.1 Best Swedish Band of all time, CANDLEMASS! Mats Levén  did really great this evening!! They also got Per Wiberg (ex-Opeth, Spiritual Beggars) on keyboards. Guest appearances by former band members Johan Längqvist (lead vocals 1984–1987) and Thomas Vikström (lead vocals 1991–1994). Awesome gig!!:)
Current members: Lars Johansson – lead guitars (1987–1994, 2002, 2004–present), Mats “Mappe” Björkman – rhythm guitars (1984–1994, 2002, 2004–present), Leif Edling – bass (1984–1994, 1997–2002, 2004–present), Jan Lindh – drums, percussion (1987–1994, 2002, 2004–present), Mats Levén – lead vocals (2012–present)


CANDLEMASS 2013 – photo (c) Soile Siirtola for Sweden Rock Magazine #100

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Mike (Wead) & hans Maja gifte sig och vi möttes upp för en liten fotosession på stan innan dom skulle iväg på middag och kryssning.


Dan efter när båten var tillbaka i Stockholms hamn hade dom en bil väntandes som körde dom iväg till The Cave där några vänner med Simon (bibleblack) i spetsen hade fixat en finfin fest för brudparet. Samme man var även ansvarig för en skitgod och livsfarlig bål med oanad styrka. Med facit i hand skulle jag ha hållit mig till min plan att endast ta ett par öl;) Tog mig hem nån gång efter midnatt men dom sista hade kommit därifrån först nån gång på förmiddan dagen efter…


Skitkul kväll! God mat, roligt sällskap (och Findus…) och en fantastisk improviserad all star livejam. Och sen lite svart tårta med röda marsipanhorn på det:) Och jusstde…blev inbjuden att plåta på en festival i Transsylvanien!!!! Hur coolt är inte det!! Den krockar med Party San som jag faktiskt tänkte åka till, men allt kan hända och det är definitivt spikat till nästa år!!
P.S. Har rensat bort dom mera privata bilderna. Dom ska bara brudparet ha:)


Mike (Wead) & Maja got married and the evening after there was a great party at The Cave. Lots of food, beer, booze and music. I rescued myself out of there “early” enough but some of the guests left around 10AM the day after;))


My first time on a ferry to Finland since…i don´t know when.


And I never really thought I would ever even concider floating around the Gulf of Bothnia again… But all of the sudden It felt like a good thing to do, so I booked it in. Mostly because of F.K.Û !!! So I tried to tell myself it´s all going to be worth it.

And the good part is…It really was fun:) I knew I´d share a cabin with some people, but I didn´t know which ones…so I was quite happy to find Jenny W. there. The flyerguys I met when boarding were the other two roommates. So it all worked out well.  Off to find some food with Peter Distortion and Kling, and soon It was time to get my gear and go shooting some bands.   Dismember started to play at 9.00 PM so there wasn´t so much time to do nothing in between. I loved the stage and the pretty lights!!! It was FUN to photograph. I shooted the whole Candlemass gig (thanx Micke!!;)) After the last band finished at 2.30, I took a couple of beers, wandered around a bit,  met some really nice people and also three really stupid fucks…Personally  I hoped somebody would quickly throw the nasty bunch overboard.
Went to sleep when Galaxy arrived to Finland.