“The Heard was formed when Klara, Ida and Nicki wanted to keep playing music after their previous band Crucified Barbara called it quits in 2016. Together with Skinny Kangur from Deathstars and the singer and burlesque artist Pepper Potemkin they form The Heard”

Musikalisk talang så det räcker och blir över och fantastiska Pepper Potemkin som ledde det hela. Klädbyten, små stories om och mellan låtarna och en spektakulär final med den snyggaste outfiten ever. Skitbra koncept faktiskt och skiljer från det vanliga upplägget. Så även om jag inte lyssnar så mycket på band som är mera åt det rockiga hållet så går jag nog mer än gärna på en till spelning om det blir tillfälle. För det var riktigt jävla tjusigt:D Och jag missade en del coola fotoops och klädbyten för jag lämnade frontlinjen ett tag och skulle vara social. Skenljuset på Strand trixigt som vanligt, men alltid kan man gräva fram nått i bilderna.
Members: Guitar – Klara Bass – Ida Lead Guitar – Skinny Drums – Nicki Vocals – Pepper

För övrigt så var det div bra folk på plats som jag inte hade träffat på hundra år. Bästa Voxberg DJ:ade och Andres F. (Macken Bryggeri) i merchbåset (som också blev vår garderob;)), blandat bandfolk osv. Obligatorisk besök på Solgrillen innan gigen. En bra kväll alltsomallt.


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Avslutningsvis för det här året så blev det (äntligen) av att gå på Jonathans solouppträdande. Känner honom och hans artistiska bana och talang tillräckligt väl för att ha rejält höga förväntningar på vad han kan åstadkomma. Och givetvis toppar han allt man har föreställt sig.
I all sin enkelhet var det en magisk och av och till rätt överraskande halvtimma. Hats off!


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Amongst other cool merch in the MORTIIS webstore you can find a few posters. This one is a photo I took at the Cold Meat Industry 30 year anniversary festival i Stockholm for about a year ago when he performed the “Era 1 ” set for the first time in ages.

It really does make a great poster:D The “Era 1” show was awesome btw. MORTIIS has done some extensive touring the past year and there´s still concerts coming up if you have missed out. Dates & venues HERE.

» MORTIIS Facebook
» Webstore

» Mortiis @ CMI 30 [extreMMetal.se]


Dark Ambient/Darkwave from Germany.
“For those who don’t want to check Wikipedia: “Apoptose” describes the so called programmed cell death. It simply means that a cell dies when it is damaged or ill. This program works in nearly every living cell except for cancer cell that live on and on. When I was looking for a name for my musical project that was something that came to my mind. I especially love the literally meaning of the Greek word “Apoptosis”. It means leaves falling off trees. I still think that it fits perfectly to the topics and atmosphere of the music”

Interview for Santa Sangre Magazine


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A slightly longer set in Stockholm. Absolutely amazing performance again!
No clips from the venue but found one from their very first gig at Blekkmetal in Bergen, I was there also, of course :D
[Picture t.l.: Eld & Lust K. somewhere in the basement @ Slaktkyrkan]

MEMBERS: Gaahl (Kristian Espedal) – Vocals / Lust Killman (Ole Walaunet) – Guitar / Eld (Frode Kilvik) – Bass / Spektre (Kevin Kvåle) – Drums


» GAAHL interview in Bardo Methodology
(with a couple of my photos)

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The second night, now in Stockholm. Left Gothenburg on an early train with my excellent travelling companions. Got stranded a couple of hours on the Central station before the Norwegians arrived so I could get to the venue with them. First time I went to Slaktkyrkan. The venue opened last february while I was still out of the country and it+s very close to Kraken. I really liked the place! Open courtyard and everything:) Next years Stockholm Slaughter will use both of the venues so it will work out really nice.
And SKOGEN totally ruled again! I do love that band. Great stuff. So for me, no supportbands this weekend. All equally fantastic with their specific own style. Couldn´t get any better:D
And also in Stockholm: not many mobile phones visible in the crowd:D A couple of Official clips below [Nordvis]

» SKOGEN interview @ Bardo Methodolgy

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Grande Finale of the most excellent evening! “Havenless” as an extra treat with Grutle on iPad :D Great crowd also and very few mobile phones in sight (has that changed in general the past year or so when I´ve been out of the country?) Anyways It´s a good trend. But of course, no video clips to be found from the gigs.
Had so much fun, met so many awesome people including the ones who worked at the venue. The restaurant had an awesome vegetarian lunch buffet btw! So try it out if you ever visit Gothenburg!


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