ALFAHANNE – always the right choice. Been awhile since the last gig I saw with the guys and they still got it for sure. Awesome show.
Notes: Addition to the line up I remember is keyborards by Stefan Eriksson. They do often have guest vocalists and this time it was Spellgoth from HORNA.
Spellgoth has also appeared on one of their albums and so has many others, like Hoest (TAAKE) and V’gandr (HELHEIM), Dolk (KAMPFAR), Erlend Hjelvik (KVELERTAK), Nattfursth (SORHIN), David Lindh (YVONNE and BRODER DANIEL), Sanrabb (GEHENNA) and Niklas Kvarforth (SHINING). So you never really know who´s showing up on stage with them:)
Band: Pehr Skjoldhammer – Fredrik Sööberg – Niklas Åström – Jimmy Wiberg – Stefan Eriksson

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[originally posted @ Insta] A care package from my great friends @norwegianrat arrived!!


The new ALFAHANNE vinyl (the white one which is limited to 100 copies. Comes with a slipmat, patch & a sticker. My photo [(C) Siirtola] on the cover), a couple of new bags and a super comfy and stylish Skakke hoodie. Happy days!!❤️
#norwegianrat #rhinoratrecordings #alfahannelive #wwwextremmetalse


Get your copy of the vinyl before they go (only 500 all together):
All the great stuff @ Norwegian Rat:

ALFAHANNE from Eskilstuna!!! Great, great show from the beginning to the end!! This time with R.Fjäll from OFERMOD as guest vocalist (seen them with Niklas from SHINING and V’gandr from HELHEIM & TAAKE and both of them also appear on the first album on a couple of songs).
Members: Pehr Skjoldhammer: Vocals, Guitar Fredrik Sööberg: Guitar Niklas Åström: Drums Jimmy Wiberg: Bass





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Ett litet bidrag till Eskilstunas ALFAHANNE!! Ett av dom bättre livebanden och supernajsa grabbar. Inte metal men befinner sig definitivt på samma “sida”. Dom frågade ifall jag ville bidra med en liten livebild (Nicke)  för plattan så jag gjorde det såklart. Dom andra bilderna är från Marco Manzi, Krissy Pederson och Jarle Moe. AlfaPehr fotade av och skickade mig ett par mobilbilder (nedan).
Senare blev samma foto på Niklas omslaget för ALFAHANNE  Alive! i samarbete med Rhinorat Recordings från Norge:))
Bilden ifråga är från första giget jag nånsin såg med bandet (på Garage i Bergen, Blastfest 2015). Hade inte lyssnat på dom så mycket heller så tänkte att jag bestämmer mig efter giget vad jag tycker om dom.
Har varit ett stort fan sen dess :D


“Formed in 2010, ALFAHANNE’s debut release came in 2013 with the appearance of the “Grym” split 7” with Sweden’sSHINING.
Playing what the band calls “Alfapocalyptic Rock”, which mixes Black Metal with Classic Rock and Punk, and topped off with some Goth influences, ALFAHANNE has created a style of music that is powerful and beautiful, yet raw and ugly at the same time.


Dom har sen början samarbetat med en massa metalfolk så på denna platta gästar dom här kungarna
Erlend Hjelvik (Djevel, Kvelertak) Vocals (track 3  Skallerormsgift)
Nattfursth (Sorhin) Vocals (track 1 Alfa kropp alfa blod )
Niklas Kvarforth (Shining) Vocals (track 9  Slutdestination Eskilstuna)
Spellgoth (Horna) Vocals (track 6   Hora (tills du dör) / Huora kuolemaansa)

Av och till när det är möjligt så dyker  gästvokalisterna även upp på scen på  spelningar.

R. Fjäll (Ofermod, Nefandus och senare Mephorash) gästade ALFAHANNE på scenen @ Sthlm Copperfields i februari 2016. Det närmsta till “bandfoto” jag tagit så den får vara med bara därför:))


» ALFAHANNE livefoto @

Blod Eld Alfa
September 11th, 2015 Dark Essence Records KAR093CD CD

incinerationALFAHANNE!!!  A bit late to The Black Heart so had to fight my way to the front of the stage. Niklas (Shining) was hanging around and helped me to get my bag & jacket & stuff off my hands so I could start shooting. He actually joined the band in one song later. Crazy gig in general:)) Don´t miss out if you have the chance to see them live!

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Uploading the first ones on Facebook!

Incineration Fest 2015 in conclusion:
Cons: They were too late to start handing out the wristbands. Lots of people were still in line waiting to get theirs when the bands already started to play.
Quite many overlapping gigs:/  They were throwing out everyone from backstage about 10 minutes after the last band played. So the last band had about 10 minutes to get the fuck out of there.
The shuttles were supposed to pick the bands up right after but IRL they were standing  outside the venues at least a couple of hours. I was waiting with the Swedes and ImpNaz for 1½ hours then I got tired of it and went to the afterparty.  Passed by Electric Ballroom and  the situation was the same. All the bands sitting outside waiting…
Not many of the bandmembers (if any?) showed up at the Dev and later I heard that  the shuttles finally arrived and drove the bands to the hotel. Which was very close to the airport way out of town. So no afterparties xD
Pros: Great gigs & people & security, the best guy Håkon. Had so much fun!!! xD

Edit 150515: Reviews @

» First pics Gallery on Facebook


Tomi & Arkki (IMPALED NAZARENE) outside of the Underworld

Tomi,Arkki (IMPALED NAZARENE) and Cristina (Official Romanian Thrash Metal Club) outside of the Underworld

Snapshots from the mobile phone & camera. Once again an awesome fest!!!:D
Lots of thanks to Yngve & the crew (especially Jenny <3), Daniel, Carlos & Katja Blackshadows, Perra Karlsson and the guys from Impaled N. Had a great time thanks to you all!!
Won´t even start listing all friends and good people I met. See you soon again I hope!

alfahanne1»“Alfahanne plays alfapocalyptic rock exclusively. Since the first gathering of the cult 2010 Alfahanne´s formula has been to mix black metal with classic rock and punk and some goth influences.”
Members: Pehr Skjoldhammer: Vocals, Guitar Fredrik Sööberg: Guitar Niklas Åström: Drums Jimmy Wiberg: Bass

Didn´t really know if I would like it or not. I did like. A lot!:D

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