Känns som en evighet sen sist!
Ny kille i ledet – K. Tormentor (gitarr sen -22) Lika jävla bra som alltid:)
Luttinen fyllde 50 denna dag så vi tog ett par dassiga bilder dagen till ära direkt efter giget.

[Livekipp by Eriks Klipp & wardrak]




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Totally in a league of their own! Kekkonen! Suomi Finland Perkele!
Band Members: Minister of Sexual Perversions – Vocals Minister of Demonology and Occult – Drums Minister of Offence – Bass Minister of Alcoholism – Guitars

(There is an brilliant interview with Luttinen (excerpt online, the long version in the printed issue #2) from 2017 (when I.N. played at the same venue) at Bardo Methodology.)

Stockholm Slaughter
Death Disco Productions
District 19

>>MORE (live clips etc)

I.N. finally in Stockholm!!:D Perra K. very briefly on stage but I cought him too.
Lots of fun reading in the band bio. Sadly stopping at 2008, tho..I would love to read the book:))
Look for the Biography on this page:

Kiitos pojat!!:)



>>MORE (live clips etc)

Some of my favourite angry Finns:) Luttinen & co delivered again big time! Can´t wait to see them again. Someone get them to Stockholm already!?? Going to see Tomi´s other bandSHAPE OF DISPEAR (funeral doom) for the first time in august, tho.
Members: Minister of Sexual Perversions – Vocals Minister of Demonology and Occult – Drums Minister of Offence – Bass Minister of Alcoholism – Guitars



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Uploading the first ones on Facebook!

Incineration Fest 2015 in conclusion:
Cons: They were too late to start handing out the wristbands. Lots of people were still in line waiting to get theirs when the bands already started to play.
Quite many overlapping gigs:/  They were throwing out everyone from backstage about 10 minutes after the last band played. So the last band had about 10 minutes to get the fuck out of there.
The shuttles were supposed to pick the bands up right after but IRL they were standing  outside the venues at least a couple of hours. I was waiting with the Swedes and ImpNaz for 1½ hours then I got tired of it and went to the afterparty.  Passed by Electric Ballroom and  the situation was the same. All the bands sitting outside waiting…
Not many of the bandmembers (if any?) showed up at the Dev and later I heard that  the shuttles finally arrived and drove the bands to the hotel. Which was very close to the airport way out of town. So no afterparties xD
Pros: Great gigs & people & security, the best guy Håkon. Had so much fun!!! xD

Edit 150515: Reviews @ Avenoctum.com

» First pics Gallery on Facebook


Tomi & Arkki (IMPALED NAZARENE) outside of the Underworld

Tomi,Arkki (IMPALED NAZARENE) and Cristina (Official Romanian Thrash Metal Club) outside of the Underworld

Snapshots from the mobile phone & camera. Once again an awesome fest!!!:D
Lots of thanks to Yngve & the crew (especially Jenny <3), Daniel, Carlos & Katja Blackshadows, Perra Karlsson and the guys from Impaled N. Had a great time thanks to you all!!
Won´t even start listing all friends and good people I met. See you soon again I hope!


spotifyThe bands van broke on their way to the festival from Berlin. They had to take a cab the last 100 km´s and of course they arrived late and weren´t able to play when supposed. Finally they did show up, got on the stage and just owned the place! One of the top shows at this years P.S.O.A!!! Never seen them live before but now I can´t wait to see them again. I got an opportunity to meet them and get some pics later in the backstage bar. Thanks to my friend Perra K. (D666, NOMINON etc) who wanted some pics for himself:)



Last supper – backstage bar. feat. Perra Karlsson